Author: Lucy Corne

Ever since I was about 12 I was obsessed with travel, though I don't think I realised it at the time. I thought everyone gazed at atlases, memorised capital cities and invented languages for nations so remote that a preteen girl couldn't imagine them having their own! The giant map on my wall was filled with pins marking where I'd been and where I wanted to go and I had pen friends in a dozen different countries. Over the past couple of decades I've managed to get to 45 countries across every continent except Antarctica, though I still have a tendency to lose my passport, board the wrong train and leave valuable possessions on public buses. I've been combining my two great loves - travel and writing - since graduation and have had travel features published in a range of magazines, website and newspapers, including Wanderlust, The Guardian, The Toronto Star, Travel Africa, Reader's Digest and a variety of in-flight magazines. I'm looking forward to sharing my all-consuming travel passion with you here on Travelhoppers!