Browsing: Planning

When I took off on a 106-day trip around the world this February, my mind was like a New York City subway platform at rush hour — there were hundreds of thoughts all wanting to come along on the trip, all rushing forward at the same time. The poor little thought that got pushed right out of the fray and missed the train was the one of how much energy it would take to accomplish …

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Excuse me.  Sir!  You there.  I have a request.  No, not you nice man.  You go on about your day and enjoy your vacation.

I’m speaking to the other gentleman, the one who is so incapable of controlling his impulses that he just chucked that small boy overboard.  Oh!  That was your son, and you were just playing?  I see.

Well, I’m also talking to that lady over there who thinks it’s funny to draw …

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The term “Going Green” is one we’ve all heard. Reduce, reuse, and recycle, right? Well ,what about when you have a 20kg weight allowance and a very shallow pocket? I don’t know about you, but sorting plastic bottles and hauling old newspapers around isn’t part of my ideal backpacking trip. And then there’s the expense of being eco-friendly. Backpacking is practically a synonym for financial strain and as much as we may want to join …

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People often ask me how I manage to travel so much, or look astonishingly at me when I recount the last two years of my life. Well, first I was in China, then Ireland, then China again, then the U.S., now Prague and soon, London. For some people, that’s a lot of moving. Too much maybe. For others, it’s living the dream.

Traveling is a big commitment and if you’ve got the wanderlust but aren’t …

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As an avid traveler and a specialized travel agent, I have played the role of both consumer and supplier.  Throughout my professional career, I have spoken to many people who just don’t know how to effectively utilize the services of a travel agent. Some prefer the internet as a booking and informational resource while others are unsure or uncomfortable seeking out a qualified professional.  What are the successful tools for working with a travel agent?  …

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Summer officially started just a few weeks ago; but before you know it, the days of sunshine, sand and surf will be nothing more than a memory. For those who are vacationing this summer, the plans have been made and perhaps the bags have been packed. With the economy in a slow recovery, many families have reluctantly decided to hold off on a summer vacation. But there is still hope for a last minute summer …

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Getting lost in a new city is not usually on a traveler’s to-do list. But it is highly recommended that you cull your skills in the art of getting lost if you wish to throw off the tiresome stereotypes that come with being a tourist.

It might be harder than you think to truly move off the beaten path and have no idea where you are. When you feel a little disoriented, your survival instincts …

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I’ll admit:  I have a complicated relationship with solo travel.  On the one hand, going solo allows one the most freedom, the most time for reflection, the most opportunity to meet new people (because, really, you have to) of any travel experience.  It also means you can, whenever you’re ready, just go.  No working around other travelers’ schedules, no begging potential travel partners to see the value of an adventure.  Just hop on a plane, …

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When you’re bored of the beach and had all the sightseeing you can stomach, it’s time to re-vamp your vacations.
If packing for your holiday feels like a duty rather than a delight, bid arrivederci to the mundane and plan a holiday with pizzazz.
If you crave something different in 2011, here are some weird, wacky or just plain daft ideas guaranteed to revive the most jaded traveller. You can even swap purely hedonistic holidays …

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These days, if you ask someone why they selected a tour package, destination, or travel operator, one word trumps all others: Value. However, value can mean different things to different travelers. For some, it implies a good deal or considerable savings. For others, the value is in the experience of visiting a new or exotic destination, or fulfilling a lifelong dream. Many travelers excitedly reserve a group tour based on the value of all of …

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Scenario #1: Jane is visiting a new destination and relies on a travel agency to confirm her hotel and touring services. She arrives at the hotel, checks-in, and finds that her room does not meet her expectations. The agency quoted a 4-star property, but Jane feels it is below average. The view from her window is less than appealing, she can hear her noisy neighbors, and the air-conditioning is faulty. Later in the evening, guest …

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You want to go to Australia this winter, but published fares are through the roof. Guess kangaroos, the outback and Crocodile Dundee will just have to wait for your arrival, right? Not necessarily. With a little patience and a good travel agent, you might just luck into one of the real secrets of inexpensive travel… international airline consolidators.

Before we go any further, a word of warning – do not try this at home. …

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